Overall Importance

The tropical rain forest biome is one of the most productive biomes in the biosphere. 50-90% of the species in the world exist in this biome therefore being a major factor of worldwide biodiversity. In a world where one species disappears every day, it is important to preserve the biggest reservoir of species in the world. It also has large value for humans as well as animals. Many plants that originate from rain forests are used in modern medicine or have medicinal value. Less than 1% of the total number of plants that exist have been tested fro medicinal value as of today. This means that the forest contains a large potential for advancement in the field of medicine. Tropical rain forests also serve as large providers of worldwide sustenance. Many products we take for granted such as coffee, cocoa, fruit, spices, rice, rubber, gums, and resins are made from tropical rainforest plants.Of the 75,000 plants that exist in the biome, only 150 circulate throughout the world market. The importance of preserving these plants is paramount to the existence of trade in society.The biome also plays an important role in climate control. The dense producer population of tropical rain forests make them the largest source of carbon dioxide reduction in the world. Not only do they reduce it but they are a major contributor to evapotranspiration. Deforestation of the biome contributes to 19% of all carbon dioxide emmisions and disrupts the water cycle. The protection of this biome helps to maintain biodiversity, food equity, global temperatures, and the biogeochemical cycles.

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